


I've been crocheting for a year or so now, and I'd seen these super cute little toys but they never interested me. I was mostly into afghans (of which I've made several now, and will post about when I get around to taking pics). But afghans are a pain to work on when it's hot. So when I saw the book "Creepy Cute Crochet", I decided to give these little guys a try.

I think they turned out pretty great!  I posted them on facebook and offered them to any engaged or married friends, and they found a home within just a few minutes.  I think I'm even going to give him a bow tie before I send them to their new home.

I'd never crocheted this small before, and never with cotton yarn, so it took some practice getting them right.  Of course I'm now obsessed with making all of the patterns in the book.  I'm currently working on Nosferatu, who is adorable.

well, this is awkward...

not that anyone was really reading this blog, besides my mom. But after almost two years I've decided to give it another go. And this time it's going to be about everything, as the header says...soup to nuts! Crafts, my thesis film, thrifting, my apartment, whatever I feel like.

So if you ever read it, welcome back. And maybe this time I'll find a few new fans!