

Scrap-ghan in progress

As I mentioned last week, I've been really into crochet lately and have several afghans in various states of completion.  This one was started as a way to use up all the random half-finished balls of yarn from other projects.  I just started doing rows, without any pattern to the colors used, until I ran out of a particular yarn.  But my design sensibilities wouldn't let it be quite that random, so then I started buying more yarn (thus defeating the whole "stash-busting" aspect of it).  Sigh...

Anyway this is what it looked like a couple months's since gotten big enough to cover my full-sized bed.  I could keep going on it, but it got way too warm to work on something this big and wooly.

Plus Stoli loves it so much, that whenever I work on it he insists on crawling under it and onto my lap, making it an even warmer situation.  I'll pull it back out when the weather turns cooler.  Which here in LA means it will be December before I can even stand to look at it!

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