

wish you were here...

this is what I need to be doing right now:
that's taken at the Ace Hotel and Swim Club in Palm Springs.  It's pretty much my favorite place in the world these days.  Whenever I'm stressed and burnt out, I fantasize about hanging out at the Ace, feeling like a rich hippie, laying around in the desert heat and drinking date shakes.
I've had a plan for a while that I want to re-decorate my bedroom to look like the rooms at the Ace.  I'm a little worried that if I try to match them too exactly, it will cease to seem special when I go there.  But here are some elements I'm going to try to work in...

canvas curtains and lots of white...
ethnic rugs and pillows, and maybe a leather chair...
 natural materials...succulents...
and definitely some sort of macrame element...
oh, and maybe an elephant.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you like this place: it has all the elements (except maybe the elephant) that you grew up with. Macrame (remember the plant hanger in the dining room), white walls, leather (well, naugahyde anyway) and succulents(that jade plant you brought home from 1st grade is now taller than me). I feel justified!
