

hometown digging

So I was back in my old stomping grounds of Hayward, CA a couple weeks ago and of course one of my top priorities was to check out the local thrift scene.  Sadly, it's nowhere near as good as it once was, Hayward used to have some really fantastic thrifting.  But I did find a couple things...first, I finally found a lampshade big enough for the giant genie lamp I impulsively bought at the Rose Bowl a while back.
It's been really tough finding a shade for this monster of a lamp (with the shade, it's over three feet tall!)  I didn't need or want a new lamp, but this one was hard to resist.  Check out the crazy glaze on this thing!
 I'm sure lots of people think it's hideous, but I love it.  It reminds of a lamp I found years ago and then lost in a break-up...I've always regretted letting that lamp go!

But the real find of the trip was a first edition copy of "I Married Adventure" by Osa Johnson...for $4.95 at the local used bookshop!

I ran home and looked it up on ebay...some copies sell for over $200!  I've seen posts about it before on several style blogs, and I've been on the lookout for a copy.  In addition to looking great on a coffee table, it sounds like a great story so I definitely plan to read it soon.  I also got a big stack of vintage craft books (which I'll try to post about later).  Gotta love B Street Books!