

chair fame

well!  I really didn't realize that sending my little chair makeover into Design*Sponge would have caused such a surge in blog traffic over here at humble little Craftnik...but, if you're coming here for the first time...or if you're actually coming back a second time...welcome!

seriously, the chair has been extremely popular.  I'm not sure but I think the chair might be thinking it's too good to hang out with me now and would prefer to go live in a nicer apartment with a good blogger.

the chair should probably have it's own twitter account.  @denimchevronchair?  I do have a twitter account, but I only set it up for the purpose of stalking the Grilled Cheese Truck.

yes, as you can see by the puny "archives" over there on the right...I am a terrible blogger...and I repeat a post on that theme once every couple of months.  (but I am forever hoping to get better)

it didn't help that the day before the post on Design*Sponge, I was in a car accident.  first day of rain in LA = lots of dumb accidents.  nobody was hurt, but my little car (that I love) was pretty badly damaged.

all I wanted to do for a few days was turn off my brain and knit.  there is something to be said for the repetitive, easy work of knitting that can just chill me the eff out.  I'm just beginning to get immersed in the whole knitting world (and it is a huge and organized and passionate world, I gotta say) but I came across this quote from Elizabeth Zimmerman that really summed up how I got through the last few days:

"Knit on, with confidence and hope, through all crises."

kinda the crafter's version of "Keep Calm and Carry On", no?

so that's what I'm doing...I'm knitting on...and I'm planning the next project...and I promise to blog about it.

(this soon to be finished cowl already has a twitter and is on Google+)

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