

studio dreams

I've been dreaming lately of what I can do with my office... which is just half of the second bedroom in our apartment, but it's where I spend most of my day when I'm home, sewing, knitting, and reading design blogs.  what I'd love is a space that I can call my "studio" one of those impressive artsy girls I see on blogs all the time...and say it with a straight face.

I've been bookmarking beautiful craft rooms and "studios", and trying to get inspired to buy shelving and functional furniture (which, let's be honest, isn't that inspiring).  I like this one from Martha Stewart:

but it looks like you can't do much more in this room than have tea and hang wrapping paper out to dry.  still, I love the green walls/white furniture combo, and the funky rug.

here's the current state of my creative space:

basically just a sewing table, a bookcase full of vintage craft books, and a cat getting hair on everything.   I have my favorite bits of vintage needlecrafts hanging on the wall.  next to Stoli is a shawl I knitted months ago and am planning to dip-dye...eventually....

here's a close up of the crocheted flowers on the wall...I make them when I'm bored or only have 15 minutes to make something.  I just keep adding to the garland and having them visible reminds me to keep working on them.

and here's my sweet boy, who is always by my side when I'm working at home.  at the moment he's sleeping in the laundry basket next to my chair.

everywhere I've lived, I've always plopped my sewing machine down in a corner and just tried to keep it from being a total mess.  maybe it's time to make myself a space that really inspires me?  even...dare I say... a studio??

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