

2012 craft-olutions

Oh hey 2012, didn't notice you sneaking up on me there.  I feel like I barely got to know 2011 and he's out the door already.  typical....

I'm not usually one for's always the same ole stuff we know we should be doing anyway, right?  (exercise, budget, organize, floss)  but this year I have Plans (with a capital P that rhymes with E and that stands for Etsy!)  so I am going to put down in writing here and now that I have some resolutions of the crafty sort for this coming year:

1.  OPEN AN ETSY SHOP.   I mean duh, right?  why has it taken this long??  laziness, mostly...along with a paralyzing fear that whatever I sell will end up on Regretsy.  I'll probably start by selling vintage rather than handmade, just to get my feet wet.  And lord knows I have enough vintage stuff lying around that I need to get rid of.  which brings us to number 2...

2.  GET RID OF SOME CRAP.  Technically this is not a "craft-olution"...except that getting rid of crap will open up space for resolution number 3....

3.  DREAM STUDIO.  ok, I probably can't really have my dream studio in this apartment.  But I can turn the second bedroom into so much more than it currently is, which is white, featureless, poorly lit and full of the aforementioned crap.  Hopefully having an inspiring space to work in will get me to get off my ass about resolution number 1.

I actually made a ton of progress on this one already this week, including about 8 bags for Goodwill (working on number 2 already as well!)  Check out this before and after action:

no, I didn't just stuff everything in the closet and close the door!


boring, but sane!

anyway so those three are biggies.  The rest are small and get over my fear of lace knitting.  I've already started that one too!  Check out my butternutty soft scarfy scarf in progress...

going well but I need to figure out why the holes next to my ssk's aren't as big as the k2tog's...  it's the Bosc scarf pattern by Robin Ulrich.  I'm really enjoying it, even though the last thing I need is another scarf!  Lace though, man...there is no mindless, "let me do this while I watch Downton Abbey at the same time" kinda knitting there.  I gotta read every damn line of the pattern every damn time.

what else...oh design more knitting patterns, for sure!  My first one, the Watercolor Heart pattern is gaining lots of fans on Ravelry, so now I'm planning more fun intarsia projects to come.

getting better at photography, that's a big one.  those scarf photos above were taken with my new lens (thanks parents!).  but I have sooo much more to learn, especially about textile photography, which seems to be harder than you'd think.  is it the white balance I'm screwing up?  what is white balance exactly??  things to answer in 2012...

and maybe learn something new?  I'd really love to take a printmaking class or take up weaving.  Ooh or start making mid-century dollhouse furniture, I've just learned that that is a thing!  How fun would it be to make tiny molded plywood chairs??  ok, whatev, you have your me, that sounds super fun.

and last but not least, keep up with the blogging (and Pinterest!).  It's been so fun the past few months sharing my silly posts with you all, and I hope you keep coming back to see how the above resolutions pan out.  Knowing me they will change within a week, but hey that's half the fun of resolutions, right?

oh and don't stop paying your bills this year, thinking the Mayans were right...
have a great new year, friends!

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