

up against a wall

ugghhhhhh.   the holidays and the job, they have taken over my life.  crafty business has slowed to a improvements around the casa, not even a thrift find to brag about.  all I can do is desperately pin things on Pinterest in hopes of someday having the time to turn inspiration into reality.

I have an accent wall in the kitchen, and I have every intention of doing something wonderful with it...someday.  Here's some great walls I've pinned for when that day comes along...

I'm really wanting to do something more interesting than just a solid bright color.  I can't put up wallpaper, but I could paint something like it.  this, however, would take a week.

love this but I'm not this "literary".  I think it would be great with LA street names instead!

Source: via Jody on Pinterest

but right now these two are both high on my list:

it says a lot that right now the idea of spending days painting a zillion tiny triangles on a wall sounds totally appealing to me.  Once I'm in a better state of mind, I may just go with that solid color idea after all!

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