

dead pilgrims

didn't have much time for crafting this week, and the diminishing hours of sunlight + new job + holiday planning equals very few photos being taken around the place.  but I did manage to document a few of the new items I've picked up for the apartment...

There's this thing in socal every year that my friend and I call "Dead Pilgrims"....which is our horrible name for a really lovely little arts and crafts festival in Claremont that is actually called the Pilgrim Place Festval.  it's a retirement community for former missionaries, and they sell vintage items and new art and crafts made by the missionaries at really great prices, and the money helps support the community.  I always find great stuff there.  And, HUGE PLUS...the old people dress like Pilgrims while they work the booths!  so cute.  this year I got some hand spun yarn, a bunch of vintage needlework magazines, and these two fun items:

this is a new piece of pottery, made by a completely charming old gentleman who insisted on telling me all about the piece and that he refers to it as the "He/She Bottle" because it looks more masculine or feminine from different angles.  Unfortunately I didn't get his name, but if you go he's the one everybody calls "the pottery guy".  I love the weird angles and the drippy glaze, and it fits right in with all my West German stuff.

in the "International Booth" I found this great tapestry...

it has birds AND cats on it.  what's not to love??

nobody could tell me where it was from, so who knows....South America?  Pakistan?  no idea.  It's about 2 ft wide and 6 ft long, which makes it a weird rug size, and kinda large for a table runner.  I think I'll sew a dowel to the back and hang it somewhere.

oh and then there's the Bench.

we bought the table a few months ago and I really wanted the matching bench, but couldn't bring myself to spend that much all at once.  buying stuff new is seriously nerve-wracking for me after so many years of thrifting!  I like the pairing of the vintage chrome-y Bruer style chairs and the rustic slab table, but I also wanted more seating and, hey benches are all the rage in dining rooms right now, right?

anyway so this weekend they were 25% off and so I bought it, the end.

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