

that's entertainment


so, now that we're friends one thing you should know about me is I'm not that into entertaining.  I, personally, am entertaining...of this there is no doubt...but the whole fancy having people over and creating a perfect menu and perfect party decor thing eludes me.

ironically, one of the craft books I've worked on, Handmade Soirees, is about doing precisely that.  I can throw a terrific fake party.  (oh and fyi, when you see people at a party in a photo shoot and they are throwing their heads back in gay laughter while gracefully holding a handmade cocktail napkin angled just so for the camera?  they have been doing that for 8 hours and they are miserable.)

anyway now the holidays are upon us, and the apartment is starting to look pretty good, and I'm feeling like maybe it's time to let some people in the house and maybe serve them some food and alcohol?  I can do that.  but the one thing I really cannot wrap my brain around is "tablescapes".  do you know this thing?  people love them!  this gorgeous person made a whole career out of them!


so even though I've got like negative 2 extra hours between now and when my parents arrive on Thanksgiving day, I feel the need to go out in the woods (of North Hollywood, sure) and collect branches and moss and bird's nests, obviously,  and arrange them (making sure to include varying levels and textures and lighting) on my dining table...while also leaving a little room for oh yeah FOOD and HUMAN ELBOWS.


oh and apparently the chairs also want in on this action.  tie pine cones to them!  clearly these people have no pets.

what happened to the days when Thanksgiving "tablescapes" meant pull out the one nice tablecloth and some cloth napkins and light a couple candles?  maybe, if you're feeling fancy, add a gourd or two?  or someone might bring a poinsettia!  I blame Martha, of course.  stay tuned to see how scape-y my table turns out...

(p.s. I actually think all these scapes are lovely and I'm just mad I don't have the time right now to get crazy crafty with this stuff.  and I still love you Martha, you're just a "scape"-goat.  ha!  see how entertaining I am??)

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