

highly classified crafts

there is craftiness happening at Casa Craftnik, I promise...but I CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT, because of Christmas.

usually I wait until the absolute last minute to make gifts, but this year, with the new job and not a ton of spare hours, I decided to just make a couple things that are easy and can be accomplished in a short amount of time.  I feel bad about this, but still better than I would feel about just going to the mall and not making anything.

so I can't show you what I'm knitting, but I can show you what I'm pinning!  here's a few things I pinned on Pinterest lately...

Source: via Jody on Pinterest

kind of a theme here of "things you never thought to cover with yarn but look really chic when you do"

are you on Pinterest??  let's follow each other!  just click on any of the images above to find me!

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