

I could make the prettiest parachute...

you know how sometimes you don't remember how a collection started, but slowly it grows and then it kinda takes over and becomes bigger than you and you are powerless to stop it and even if you could you don't really want to?

you're like that, right??  no?  it's just me?  hmm.

well anyway, silk Vera Nuemann scarves...I've got...a few of them.

at least this obsession is pretty cheap, as obsessions go?  I pick them up at flea markets and (when I'm lucky) thrift stores, and I usually pay one or two bucks a piece.  I've never paid more than $4, and that was a really special one.  I never feel bad about walking away from ones that are priced too high because there are just so many of them.  this lady was seriously prolific!  I dig for them all the time and I have never come across the same one twice.

for $1 I'll pretty much buy them no matter what the design, but I found a few pretty nice ones at the Pasadena City College flea last weekend...this pink and orange sheer one is classic Vera, and how cute is the aqua donkey print??


I really dug this one with the fruit, I love the really painterly ones and they are harder to come by.  and this has a bunch of her signature ladybugs on it!

  the blue patterned one is stylized peacock feathers.  and I rarely come across black and white prints of hers, so I had to grab this cool abstract one:


if you don't know about Vera Nuemann, she was a really inspirational artist and businesswoman who made quite an empire out of her handpainted designs.  her designs have experienced a big resurgence in the last couple years and fabrics with her patterns are back in stores again, including Anthropologie and Bloomingdales.

there's even a book all about her that came out a while back, which I can't believe I don't have, but I would love to get.  maybe for Christmas?  just sayin.  

either that or more scarves.

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of these as well, and I LOVE her work! I hadn't seen the donkeys, though! How super cute!
